Natebhyam sarvada bhaktaya chandike duritapahe. Patnim manoramam dehi manovritta-anusarineema. This Stotram acts like a key or perhaps the sound of the bell which hangs at the door of a mandir, allowing us to enter the Mahal of the Devi.

Oh, four-armed Goddess, admired by Lord Brahma! Stuvadbhayo bhakti-puurvam tvaam cannddike vyaadhi-naashini Ruupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dvisso jahi Bhaaryaa manoramaam dehi mano-vrtta-anusaarinniim Ruupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dvisso jahi English Translation You, of un-imaginably beautiful form and energy Destroyer of all obstacles, remover of all afflictions. You who are worshipped by the husband of Indrani Indra with devotion. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Sanskrit Verse 18 Transliteration. Taarinni durga-samsaara-saagarasya-acaloa-udbhave Ruupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi kn jahi arbala You are the night at the end of time!Īcintya-ruupa-carite sarva-shatru-vinaashini Ruupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dvisso jahi 9. Oh Goddess, grant me a spouse who will lead the family across the terrible ocean of life and death. You are stotrqm one who truly receives the sacrificial offerings and the offerings to the ancestors.
#Durga argala stotram pdf pdf
LE LIVRE SECRET DES FOURMIS BERNARD WERBER PDF Argala Stotram | Stotra | Lyrics | Download | Text | Pdf | Hindi | Sacred News O Goddess Jayanti who wins everyoneMangala who gives salvationKali, Bhadrakali who is benevolent to devoteeskapalini. Oh Goddess who removes all confusion for those constant in their worship. Vidhehi dvissataam naasham vidhehi balam-uccakaih Ruupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dvisso jahi Vanditanghri-yuge Devi sarva saubhagya dayini. Grant the destruction of all that is disruptive, grant us renewed inner strength and supreme happiness.ĭevi bhakta-janoddaama-datta-anando-daye-ambike Ruupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dvisso jahi sanskit Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Sanskrit Verse 16 Transliteration. Vidhehi dvishtam nasham vidhehi bala-muchchakeh. Oh Mother of the Universe, at whose feet Gods and Demons surrender. Chaturbhuje chaturvaktra samstute parameshwari. Meaning – O Devi, please make your devotees knowledgeable, glorified and wealthy and give us the spiritual personality, the victory, the glory and destroy their enemies.

English Translation Grant the destruction of all that is disruptive, grant us renewed inner strength and supreme happiness.

Raktabiija-vadhe devi canndda-munndda-vinaashini Ruupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dvisso jahi 6. Download Argala Stotram song on and listen Durga.
#Durga argala stotram pdf movie
Argala Stotram MP3 Song by Anuradha Paudwal from the Sanskrit movie Durga Saptashati. Download Ath Argala Stotram song on and listen. Ath Argala Stotram MP3 Song by Anuradha Paudwal from the Sanskrit movie Durga Saptashati.